Hopping on the Blog Hop Bandwagon because I (shockingly) haven't been out to ride my horse this week. This is becoming a theme because I just cannot convince myself that riding in the dark and cold is fun anymore.
In honor of Fat Tuesday and thanks to
Viva Carlos I give you "The Seven Deadly Sins: Equestrian Edition".
Seven great things/strengths in your riding life
1. A horse that trusts me (almost) all the time.
2. Many trainers/instructors/mentors who have shaped my riding for the better.
3. The desire to always do right by my horse.
4. A very supportive family member without whom I would never be able to have my own horse.
5. A group of friends just as horse-crazy as myself.
6. The desire to constantly learn more and get better.
7. The ability to teach others.
Seven things you lack or covet for your horse
1. A truck and trailer
2. A Macel Samba saddle
3. Unlimited lesson/clinic funds
4. All the BoT things
5. A "longer" body
6. A youngster horse to bring up alongside Mollie
7. The ability to go back 10 years with everything I know now
First time riding Molls in a double, feels like forever ago. |
Seven things that make you angry
1. People who think they are educated, when they are not
2. People who mistreat their horses
3. People who do things with their horses because they were instructed to, even if they don't believe that it's the right thing to do.
4. When I make things personal between Mollie and myself
5. When I do things even though I know better
6. Dishonest trainers
7. When ride times are off
Seven things you neglect to do or cut corners on
1. Cleaning tack... I don't really do it
2. Washing saddle pads before I have none left
3. Keeping my tack trunk clean
4. Grooming my horse
5. I definitely don't overreact to cuts/scrapes/bumps/etc.
6. Getting my camera out to the barn
7. Take a moment to appreciate the fact that I own a freakin' horse
An unimpressed Mollie-Wogs |
Seven most expensive things you own for your horse
1. Dover Circuit Dressage Saddle
2. Dover Circuit Jumping Saddle
3. RC Customs Double Bridle
4. BoT Hock Boots
5. Riding Clinics
6. Board
7. All my riding "clothing"
Seven guilty pleasures
1. Wool coolers (what IS it with those?)
2. Matching saddle pads and polo wraps
3. Blingy things (because Molls is a girly-girl)
4. BoT Hock boots
5. Being able to keep my horse in a gorgeous barn
6. Having barn friends that I can go out to dinner/out out with
7. My horse
About a year ago, the first time I took Molls to the current barn for a clinic. |
Seven things you love about horses and riding
1. What it does for my emotional stability
2. The people I have met through riding
3. How my horse loves me
4. The relationship I have with my horse
5. The confidence it has instilled in me
6. The ability to set and regulate goals
7. The fact that I can say "a horse" when people ask if I have any pets