Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Not Day 14

Well I was going to get back on my 30 Day Blog Challenge thing today, but I've been uninspired by the topics lately.  While I wish I had some riding updates for you and could share news of my latest hack that hasn't happened since the weekend.

I'm not on a horse.  But this goat is.

I've been home all day because we had a snow day and while they were great as a student they are even better as a teacher (especially since we're in evaluation mode and I like prolonging the inevitable).  So instead of posting anything remotely horse related I'll post pictures of my commute to work yesterday.  Excuse the fact that there's highway/my car in each frame.

Those are all photos from yesterday (Tuesday) when the snow was all pretty and stuck to the trees in typical winter wonderland fashion.  Today we got 6 inches of snow and then a nasty layer of sleet so everything is slushy and gross.  This weekend promises over a foot of snow so fingers crossed I actually get to ride between now and then!! Having an indoor is awesome, but not being able to get to it stinks.

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