Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year, High Hopes

I always get overly ambitious at the start of a new year, but I truly hope this resolution is one that sticks.  For years I have wanted to start a blog to document the adventures I have with my best friend and I have absolutely no excuse not to stick with it.  I hope that this blog will be a place I can look back on at the end of the year and see just how far Mollie and I have come, and what has changed over the course of each year.  That being said I also hope this motivates me to ride more, and not just putz around... So here's to hoping that having goals down on paper and having the whole wide internet knowing I made said goals will help me become a more mindful rider.

Enough babbling, onto the pony stats.

Registered Name: IM Merely a Jessee
Barn Name: Mollie, Mollie-Wogs, Molls, Cow Pony, Fat Head
Color: Hah.  Different every year.  Bright chestnut when I bought her, now a darker chestnut with some roaning.
Size: 15 hands on the nose
Discipline: After spending many years riding any and every discipline we could, Mollie and I are now very happy dressage queens :)

And now for photo dumping.

Summer 2012 (Knoopdawg Photography)
Summer 2012 (Knoopdawg Photography)

Winter 2013 (Polar Square Designs)

Winter 2013 (Polar Square Designs)
Winter 2013 (Polar Square Designs)
And my most favorite picture of my girl...
Photo Credit to: Polar Square Designs


  1. She's way too cute. Is she actually a cow pony/ QH Paint? Or something else. Looking forward to reading about your adventures!

    1. You nailed it haha. Her breeding is all QH but because of her over the knee/eye white markings she's registered APHA. So excited you found this blog, yours is one of my favorites!

    2. That's so nice to hear :) I am looking forward to reading yours too!
